
Face with Hand Over Mouth


Appearance historically differs greatly cross-platform. Use with caution.

A yellow face with a hand covering its mouth. Displays most often with smiling eyes and/or blushing cheeks, suggesting coy laughter or embarrassment, as if cheekily saying Oops!

Prior to the release of iOS 15.4 in March 2022, Apple's design featured simple, open eyes, suggesting someone gasping Oh my! in serious surprise, shock, concern, or apology. This same update assigned Apple's original 🤭 design to Emoji 14.0's new 🫢 Face with Open Eyes and Hand Over Mouth emoji.

May be used to similar effect as 🙊 Speak-No-Evil Monkey. See also 🤐 Zipper-Mouth Face. Joins 🤗 Hugging Face, 🤔 Thinking Face, and 🤫 Shushing Face as one of the few smileys featuring hands.

Facebook's design previously featured open eyes, though an earlier version had smiling eyes like those in the vendor's current design.

The emoji name was approved as part of in year under the name-Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes and Hand Covering Mouth